Technology for better or worse, has been transformational for society. And now, with AI as a part of our daily lives - the opportunities are endless. In one sense, AI can be seen as disruptive or corrosive to society.
Discover how urban rewilding transforms cities into thriving ecosystems by integrating nature, improving biodiversity, and fostering resilience for a sustainable future.
In 2009, TEDxMelbourne was preparing to host one of the very first officially licensed TEDx events in the world. I was fortunate to be part of that moment, serving as the event’s first sponsor in December of that year.
Emotions drive everything we do—they push us to fight, flee, or freeze, and let others know when we’re struggling or need help. But what if we looked at emotions in a completely different way? What if, beyond just reactions, they could be used to enhance mental performance or support mental health recovery?
At our 'Unpacking Genius' event, TEDxMelbourne demonstrated our commitment to inclusivity by collaborating with a 16-year-old neurodivergent student, highlighting our mission to create more accessible spaces for our diverse community.
Defining genius appears to be far more complex than one might imagine. It’s not one size fits all.
A Melbourne-based biological computing startup raises the question: Can biological genius be manufactured?
Discover how TEDxMelbourne experimented with AI avatars as keynote speakers in their latest event. Learn the challenges and insights from this unique, AI-driven experience.
AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Bard sparks concerns about corporate governance, funding, and an “AI arms race” involving Microsoft and Google, with implications for regulatory oversight, consumer safety, ethics, and data privacy.
TEDxMelbourne, supported by Marriott International, hosted intimate sessions and its first event since Covid-19, celebrating Kintsugi. Hospitality has played a significant role in spreading ideas about culture and continues to connect people today.
On 25 November, TEDxMelbourne is live once again at the Capitol Theatre in the heart of the city. The event features a stellar line up of speakers ready to inspire, motivate and provoke with ideas worth spreading.
Biological ageing is the process by which our bodies accumulate molecular and cellular damage over time, gradually impacting our physical and mental capacities.
Kin Tsugi, or ‘golden joinery’ is the ancient Japanese art of mending broken ceramics with tree sap dusted in luminous powdered gold.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
From the fun to the functional, how is AI making our world better?
“Over the past decade, we’ve shown that by giving away our profits, we’ve actually been able to build a business that is more successful in the long run.”
TEDxMelbourne and Prime Motive - We would find ourselves asking how can we support, encourage and engage our community in the next month? In the next two months?
Diversity should be more than a buzzword. According to Dr. Catherine Ball, we have to put the human at the centre of innovation and technology.
Vanessa suggests, “Changing one person’s perspective helps us as humans to remember to prioritise the environment”. Can we make a difference by simply starting a conversation?
The December holiday season is a time that sees loved ones coming together to celebrate the year gone by. 2020 has been a challenging time for many, with COVID-19 knocking us all around in one way or another.
At the tail end of this extraordinary year, TEDxMelbourne presents a unique take on an online music gig by combining music performance and interviews.
Here’s how we protect Australia’s rivers – according to an Indigenous Scholar, a (PhD Farmer) and an iconic environmental lawyer...
Many of the events and interactions that we habitually weave into the everyday – dinners with family, drinks with friends, coffees with colleagues – have undergone a digital makeover.
Thoughts and insights we uncovered at our August TED Circle.
Our new website also focuses on telling our ‘story’; why we exist, who we are and hopefully giving a little insight into our team’s culture and personality.
While we can’t escape difficult moments, we can meet them with resilience by asking key questions.
We have a plethora of options when it comes to finding love. But still we are lonely. Why?
As told by TEDxMelbourne volunteers
On 5 June, as part of our ten year anniversary we delved into what Limitless means.
Actors, singers, MCs and comedians make a living from speaking in public. What makes them different from the rest of us?
Kylie Walker is turning her passion into a pursuit.
Chris Helder tackles our barriers by tuning our mindset.
Samantha Gash will show us the importance of living our lives beyond our comfort zones.
Dr. Han Lin will tell us how it’s going to change our life.
Dr. Vanessa Pirotta is finding out.
Simple things that TED speakers use to overcome public speaking nerves.
Our 3rd annual Open Mic Night in the heart of Melbourne.
How we need to look beyond International Women’s Day.
Reflecting with one of last year’s Open Mic Night speaker’s Josh Brnjac.
Contemplate how and why your life is where it is today.
Nothing brings a TEDx brand identity to life more than the speakers.
Jon Yeo's top tips for non-profits seeking to grow their events.
Bella Borello is the Head of Social Impact & Engagement at The LOTE Agency.
Director Policy and Government Relations Australia - The Nature Conservancy
Ros helps people identify and pursue their goals beyond their career.
Writing and reading enthusiast based in Melbourne. Interested in globalisation, especially of culture and food.
Writer/UX Designer based in Melbourne with a keen interest in innovation and social causes.
Events, Production and Communications based in Melbourne, originally from London. Infinitely curious about people and the world we live in.
Maker of things & adventurer based in Melbourne. I spend a lot of time running around with a camera, but can also be found behind the virtual TEDxMelbourne social media desk.
Marketing specialist and ex-copywriter based in Melbourne. Still loves exercising her writing muscle when opportunity strikes.
Behaviour change advertising account manager, Radelaidian turned Melburnian, serial chamomile tea drinker. Writes blogs on the odd occasion that her typing is fast enough to keep up with the ideas swirling around her brain.
Media Advisor and Creative Writing Teacher based in Melbourne, with past lives as a Journalist, TV writer/presenter and lawyer. Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn.
Content and Campaign Consultant based in Melbourne. Specialising in making the complex simple. Currently working in financial services.
Side hustle / sporadic writer who enjoys capturing the weird and bizarre moments in life. The serious side of me heads up the brilliant TEDxMelbourne marketing team and they let me capture the mood and energy from some of our events, to keep my love of writing alive.
Cultural management professional based in Buenos Aires. Writes about culture and all things that are related with social wellbeing and emotional expression. Connect with her here.
The TEDxMelbourne team have been writing blogs for our community for years. We are always after more writers. Get in touch with us to share your ideas.
Full Stack Designer based in Melbourne. Writes about community, social enterprises and design. Connect with him here.